
Functions is not a stand alone topic in mathematics.  As such, this is just an introduction to functions to establish conceptual understanding of the basics.  

This introduction is broken down into six parts.  You can navigate the parts as needed, or work through them sequentially. 

In the first part we introduce the definition of a function, help you learn to identify what is, and what is not, a function, as well as a few key ideas.  In the second portion we dive a little deeper into two specific key ideas that come up when dealing with functions:  Domain and Range, and Inverse Functions.  These will each receive a deeper, full treatment in later sections.  But those procedures learned later often replace key concepts and ideas that shouldn’t be forgotten.  This second section really helps solidify the key ideas involving domain and range, as well as inverse functions.

In the third section we discuss a handful of types of functions that are common in an Algebra 1 course.  You’ll learn three ways to identify the four common types of functions.  In part four we learn how to combine functions with arithmetic operations, add, subtract, multiply and divide.  In the fifth section we learn what composition of functions means and how to perform a composition.  In the sixth, and final installment of the introduction to functions we learn how to determine if two functions are inverse and also how to find the inverse of a function.

Use the navigation bar or pictures below to begin.