Factoring Part 1

Factoring polynomial expressions is likely a new skill, or at least one you have little experience with.  Factoring means to break something down into its multiplicative parts, to un-distribute.  In other words, when you have a polynomial and you’re trying to factor it, you’re trying to figure out what small polynomials have a product that is the current expression.

Factoring is a bit of a gate-way skill.  Without the ability to factor correctly, quickly, and consistently, moving forward in mathematics will become increasingly difficult.  As such, spend time on the topic.  Several pages will be devoted to factoring on this site.  There will be a LOT of videos.  

Give yourself the time and practice to learn this.  The investment in yourself will pay off!  Remember, when opportunity presents itself, it is too late to prepare.  One of the things you do with education is prepare for unseen, future, opportunities. 

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